Ummaiyye Arathippaen – Song lyrics

Ummaiyye Arathippaen…
Ummaiyye Arathippaen…
Oh Ummai Maathram Arathippaen…
Oh Yesuvey, Ummaiyye Arathippaen

Yenthan Paathirer Neerae
Yenthan Dhevanum Neerae (2)
Yenthan Velicham Aanavare
Kaarunyathin Uraividamay (2) …Ummaiyye..

Aalugaiyin Dhevan Neer
Magathuvathin Rajan Neer (2)
Athipathiyaam Yesuvey
Jayam conda Kartharey (2) …Ummaiyye..

Yenthan Kelviyum Neere
Athan Pathilgaluum Neere (2)
Yenthan Oatathai Vettri Pere
Uthaviduum Dheivam Neere (2) …Ummaiye..
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