Gadol Adonai-Great is the Lord -Lovely Hebrew Christian Song

GADOL ADONAI (Great is the Lord)
GADOL ADONAI UMEHULAL ME’OD Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
BE’IR ELOHEINU BEHAR KODSHO In the city of our God, in His holy mountain (x2)
I. AVO EL MIZBACH ELOHIM EL EL SIMCHAT GILI I will come to the altar of God, to God my exceeding joy
AKRIV PRI SFATAI LEFANEICHA VE’EZKOR MA GDOLOT ASITA AVURI………I will bring the fruit of my lips as an offering before You GADOL ADONAI UMEHULAL ME’OD Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised
BE’IR ELOHEINU BEHAR KODSHO In the city of our God, in His holy mountain
HINEH MISHKAN ELOHIM IM BNEI ADAM Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men
HEMA YIHYU LO LE’AM They shall be His people
HU YIMCHEH KOL DIM’AH ME’EINAM He will wipe away every tear from their eyes
VEHAMAVET KE’EV VEZE’AKAH LO YIHYU OD There shall be no more death, pain, nor crying
HALELUYA KI MALACH ADONAI ELOHEINU Hallelujah for the Lord our God reigns
HALELUYA KI MALACH ELOHEI TZEVA’OT Hallelujah for the God Almighty reigns (2x)
NAGILA VENISMECHA VENITEN LO KAVOD Let us rejoice and be glad and honor Him (x4)
REFRAIN: HALELUYA KI MALACH ADONAI ELOHEINU Hallelujah for the Lord our God reigns
HALELUYA KI MALACH ELOHEI TZEVA’OT Hallelujah for the God Almighty reigns (x2)

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